Gloria Biffert
Gloria Biffert is a missionary to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) - Kinshasa, Africa.
Gloria trains teachers in the Democratic of Congo. Her vision is to train teachers as well as children’s workers to reach other children and parents with the love of Jesus. Gloria’s heart desire is to work and encourage others to use their God- given talents and abilities to transform the next generation for Christ.
How to contact Gloria: Website: https://agmd.org/Profile/Index/be545f53-61d6-42c7-9173-71b927ada6ba
E- mail: gloria.biffert@agmd.org
Blog: http://gbincongo.blogspot.com/
Facebook Page: https://m.facebook.com/gloria.biffert?fref=ts
Ron and Linda Pitzen
Peacemakers Ministries Inc., Ava Missouri
VISION: To be a community of spiritually-empowered people who reflect God’s love and advance God’s Kingdom in all the ways He leads, especially with the ‘least of these’.
Isaiah 61:1-4
Ron and Linda have served Ava, Missouri and the surrounding areas in a variety of ways including, discipleship, grief support, and being Spiritual parents for those needing a family.
Ron and Linda have also served in prison ministry. The Pitzen’s now have a desire to reach youth and adults before they ever need to be incarcerated. Ron and Linda desire to see all have a thriving relationship with Jesus Christ and for all to thrive in every aspect of life.
Contact Information: ron@peacemakersministries.net

The Gomez Family
Javier and Erin Gómez
Miniseries International, Zacapa Guatemala
Javier and Erin Gómez are missionaries in Zacapa, Guatemala with their four children. Erin has been a missionary since 2001 and in 2008 married Javier who is from Guatemala. Their two older children, Brandon and Darwin, have lived with them since February of 2010 and although they can't adopt them, they would like permission to travel with them. Their daughters Rita Angelina was born in 2010 and Lydia as well as Arlene in 2015.
They minister to children in schools, churches, and orphanages throughout Guatemala. They are the directors of a private Christian school in the community of Zacapa. They minister weekly at the government orphanage in Zacapa. They visit churches and other schools whenever they are invited, sharing the gospel through songs, games, and stories. Javier often presents the gospel dressed as the Super Disciple or a clown. During school vacations they present Vacation Bible Schools in the area of Zacapa and remote villages.
The school that they run is called Oasis Christian School. The students of the school come from different homes. Some come from low income families and receive full or half scholarships, some are orphans from the government orphanage, and some come from wealthy families. The goal is to share the gospel with each and every student and through each child reach an entire family for Christ.
Contact Information:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OASIS-Christian-School-106564857351472
Jeff And Shelby Hibbard
Hibbard International Ministries, Newton Texas
1. To establish a home base for the ministry, HIBBARD INTERNATIONAL SERVICE MINISTRIES and Missions Evangelism.
2. To be successful witnesses of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, by following the leading of the Holy Spirit to share the Gospel of Jesus and His Kingdom while leaving the results up to God.
3. To conduct outreaches, evangelistic meetings with the preaching/ teaching of the Word of God, and to be involved as much as possible with other Christian Community functions.
4. To be available to and for World Bible Way Fellowship, Inc through whom we are licensed and ordained, to be supportive of their mission and purpose for the Kingdom of God. To work closely with our President, Dr Tom Calk and his staff being submitted to his authority.
5. To lend ourselves and resources to other WBWF ministries as well as those whom the Holy Spirit leads us to be involved with.
6. Praying always, for the will and purposes of our God and Savior Jesus to be fulfilled.

In Jesus Name